
Jazzminton Deluxe
Indoors or out, this game will get everyone up and moving, away from the TV, phone and video game screens. Competitive or casual play are both fun and challenging; choose your birdie for slow, fast, or LED-lit evening play. Friendly for beginners and experts, it’s beautifully designed, and the largest paddleball set on the market. Set includes 2 fluorescent wood paddles with soft foam grips, 2 balls, 1 fast-play and 2 slow-play shuttlecocks, 2 LED nighttime birdies, 1 wind birdie and a durable carrying bag that holds it all. Play over a net (not included) or even at the beach, because they float, too! 2 cell batteries included.

From Funsparks, for ages 6 yrs-adult.


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Jazzminton Deluxe
Jazzminton Deluxe
Jazzminton Deluxe
Jazzminton Deluxe

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